How can you correct or avoid mistakes in your Express Entry application?

Picture of Albert Joseph Nobisse Tchawou

Albert Joseph Nobisse Tchawou

Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant

Immigration to Canada via Express entry is a rigorous process that requires careful attention to detail. This online system is designed to select the most qualified candidates to immigrate to Canada based on various criteria such as skills, work experience and language. However, due to the complexity of the procedure, it is possible to make mistakes or forget to include certain crucial information when submitting an application. This type of situation can cause great anxiety among applicants, who wonder whether these omissions could harm their chances of success.

In this article, we will address one of the questions frequently asked by applicants who have submitted their application via Express Entry and realized, after receiving the acknowledgement of receipt, that they had omitted some important details. We'll explore the options available for correcting or adding this information, as well as the potential consequences of these omissions.

Understanding the Importance of Accuracy in Express Entry Application

Express entry is one of the main channels through which Canada selects skilled immigrants to meet its economic needs. This program is extremely competitive, and applicants are evaluated on a point system, where every detail counts. That's why the accuracy of the information provided in the application is paramount.

The information you submit determines not only your eligibility, but also your ranking among other applicants. An omission or error, however minor, can potentially lead to delays in processing your application, or worse, a refusal. Therefore, it's essential to check all documents and information carefully before submitting your application.

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What the Acknowledgement of Receipt means

Once you have submitted your immigration application via Express Entry, you will receive a acknowledgement of receipt from IRCC. This acknowledgement means that your application has been officially received and is undergoing initial processing. It is important to understand that this document does not yet indicate an assessment of your eligibility or approval of your application.

The acknowledgement of receipt simply marks the start of the processing phase. During this period, immigration officers will examine the documents you have submitted and verify their authenticity. If any documents or information are missing, this could affect the final decision.

Adding or Modifying Information After Submission

It sometimes happens that, after receiving the acknowledgement of receipt, a candidate realizes that he or she has omitted some important information or made a mistake. Fortunately, it is possible to make changes to your application even after it has been submitted, provided you act quickly.


If you realize that you have forgotten to submit certain information, the first step is to contact IRCC as soon as possible. You can use IRCC's web form to report omissions or errors. Be sure to provide clear details of the missing information and include all necessary supporting documentation.

Case studies

Many applicants were able to rectify their mistakes after submitting their applications. For example, some forgot to attach documents relating to their work experience or language skills, but were able to add them later by contacting IRCC directly.

Communication with IRCC

It is crucial to maintain open communication with IRCC if you discover an error or omission. By reporting missing information promptly, you show that you're acting in good faith, which could work in your favor.

Potential Consequences of Omissions or Errors

The consequences of an omission or error in your application may vary depending on the nature of the missing information and its importance for the assessment of your file.

Risk of refusal

If crucial information is missing, your application may be rejected. For example, lack of sufficient evidence of your professional experience could result in your application being rejected.

How to Reduce Risks

To minimize risk, always double-check all documents before submitting them. If you realize you've made a mistake, don't wait to correct it. Acting quickly can make all the difference.

20 Examples of common oversights in an Express Entry application and their impact

When submitting an immigration application via the Express Entry program, it's crucial to ensure that all information is complete and accurate. However, oversights can occur, and they can have a significant impact on the outcome of the application. Here are 20 examples of common oversights, along with their potential impact on your application.

1. Failure to Mention Natural, Legitimate or Adopted Children

  • Impact : Failing to declare a child, whether natural, legitimate or adopted, can have serious consequences. It can be seen as an attempt to conceal crucial information. Not only could your current application be refused, but you could also face future problems if you wish to sponsor this child.

2. Forgetting to mention brothers and sisters

  • Impact : Immigration authorities may consider this an intentional concealment, compromising the integrity of your file.

3. Omission from Personal History (Periods of Inactivity or Employment)

  • Impact If you fail to mention periods of inactivity or employment, this may raise doubts about the veracity of your personal history. This could delay the processing of your application or even lead to its rejection.

4. Forgotten in the Travel List

  • Impact : Not mentioning certain trips may be interpreted as an attempt to conceal information about your travel history, which could lead to complications when assessing your eligibility.

5. Diploma or Transcript not attached

  • Impact The absence of diplomas or transcripts to prove your academic qualifications may result in your application being returned as incomplete. It may also delay the awarding of points for studies in the Express Entry system.

6. Failure to Submit Language Tests

  • Impact Failure to submit the results of language tests such as IELTS or TEF will render your application incomplete. This may result in your application being returned, and potentially refused, if the deadline for submitting this information has passed.

7. Forgotten Diploma Equivalence Report (EDE)

  • Impact The absence of a validated diploma equivalence report (EDE) means that your academic qualifications will not be recognized, which can considerably reduce your points under the Express Entry system and lead to a rejection of your application.

8. Forgetting to write a Letter of Explanation

  • Impact Letter of explanation: In some cases, a letter of explanation is required to clarify certain aspects of your file (e.g. periods of inactivity). Failure to submit one can lead to misunderstandings or suspicions, which could jeopardize the outcome of your application.

9. Failure to mention military activities

  • Impact Failure to declare participation in military activities can have serious consequences, including inadmissibility for security reasons, and rejection of the application for misrepresentation.

10. Failure to mention political activities

  • Impact As with military activities, failure to declare involvement in political activities can lead to rejection of the application, or even inadmissibility, if these are deemed incompatible with Canadian law.

11. Failure to Mention Previous Denials of Visa or Entry to Canada

  • Impact Failure to mention a previous refusal of a visa or entry to Canada is considered misrepresentation. Not only can this result in the refusal of your current application, it can also render you inadmissible for up to five years.

12. Failure to Mention Visa Refusals in Other Countries

  • Impact Visa refusals: Similarly, failure to mention visa refusals in other countries can be interpreted as an attempt at concealment, adversely affecting your credibility and potentially leading to rejection of the application.

13. Failure to Declare a Spouse or De Facto Partner

  • Impact Failure to declare a spouse or common-law partner can lead to major complications, including rejection of your application for misrepresentation. It could also jeopardize any future sponsorship application.

14. Failure to enclose a Police Certificate

  • Impact Police certificates are essential to assess your security eligibility. If you forget to include them, your application may be delayed or your file returned.

15. Failure to declare paid employment

  • Impact Failure to declare paid employment may affect the calculation of your work experience points, resulting in an incorrect assessment of your eligibility for the program.

16. Failure to mention an illegal stay in another country

  • Impact Failure to mention an illegal stay in another country may raise suspicions about your credibility, leading to inadmissibility or refusal of your application.

17. Forget to mention studies in Canada

  • Impact If you forget to mention studies completed in Canada, this may affect the assessment of your academic qualifications and result in your application being returned as incomplete.

18. Failure to Declare Material Debts or Financial Obligations

  • Impact Failure to declare debts or financial obligations may pose a problem when assessing your ability to settle in Canada. This could potentially lead to rejection of your application.

19. Failure to report minor offences

  • Impact : Although minor, certain offences can be perceived as a security risk. Failure to mention them may result in inadmissibility or refusal for misrepresentation.

20. Failure to Mention Serious Health Problems

  • Impact Failure to declare a serious medical condition may result in complications during medical examinations required by IRCC. This could delay the processing of your application or result in medical ineligibility.

Omissions in an Express Entry immigration application can have serious impacts, ranging from refusal of the application to inadmissibility, to future complications in sponsorship or citizenship applications. It is essential to review your application several times before submitting it, and to quickly correct any omissions or errors by contacting IRCC. A complete and accurate application is the key to success in the immigration process.


In summary, although the Express Entry immigration process is complex and demanding, it is possible to correct certain errors or omissions after submitting your application. The important thing is to remain proactive, to check your documents carefully before submitting them, and to contact IRCC immediately if you notice a problem. By acting quickly, you can maximize your chances of success and avoid complications that could jeopardize your plans to immigrate to Canada.

This guide aims to reassure applicants in this situation and provide them with the information they need to successfully navigate the Canadian immigration process.

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