Express Entry: How to justify periods of unemployment?

Picture of Albert Joseph Nobisse Tchawou

Albert Joseph Nobisse Tchawou

Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant

Wondering how to justify periods of unemployment in your Express Entry file or in response to a procedural fairness letter from IRCC? This is a crucial question for many candidates wishing to immigrate to Canada. In this article, we'll provide you with practical advice and effective strategies for clearly and honestly explaining periods of unemployment in your personal history. By following these recommendations, you'll be better prepared to meet IRCC requirements and improve your chances of success.

Importance of Transparency and Honesty

When submitting your immigration application, it's essential to be transparent and honest about your work history.

IRCC carefully checks every file, and any inconsistencies can be detrimental to your application. So, if you've had periods of unemployment, it's crucial to explain them clearly and in detail. This shows not only your integrity but also your ability to handle difficult situations.

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Explanation of periods of unemployment

Describe activities carried out during unemployment

Even during periods of unemployment, you've probably carried out relevant activities. Here's how to describe them:

  • Job search Job search: Indicate the efforts you've made to find a job, such as the applications you've sent out, the interviews you've had, and the professional networks you've mobilized. You can mention the platforms used, the sectors targeted and the strategies put in place to maximize your chances.
  • Training and Personal Development If you've taken online courses, obtained certifications, or attended seminars, mention them. These activities show your commitment to improving your skills and staying up-to-date in your field.
  • Volunteer work and unpaid internships If you have participated in volunteer activities or unpaid internships, include this information. It demonstrates your willingness to contribute to the community and gain experience despite challenges.

Justify how you meet your needs

How you supported yourself during unemployment is crucial information. Here are a few points to consider:

  • Relatives' help If you have received financial support from family or friends, explain this clearly. Ask the person who helped you to provide a sworn statement attesting to this support. This letter should include details such as the amount, frequency and reasons for the support.
  • Personal Savings If you have used your personal savings to support yourself, provide bank statements as proof. These documents should show the withdrawals made and how the money was used to cover your living expenses.
  • No unemployment benefits If there is no unemployment benefit or assistance in your country, please mention this. This may help the IRCC to understand the financial challenges you have faced, and to better appreciate your efforts to maintain your financial situation.

Writing an Explanatory Letter

Letter structure and content

A well-written cover letter can go a long way towards clarifying your situation. Here's how to structure your letter:

  1. Introduction Briefly explain the background to your unemployment and why you're writing this letter.
  2. Letter body :
    • Period of unemployment Indicate the exact dates of the period of unemployment.
    • Completed activities Describe the activities carried out during this period as mentioned above.
    • Financial Support Explain how you have supported yourself by providing appropriate evidence.
  3. Conclusion Thank the reader for his or her time and understanding. Reaffirm your commitment to making a positive contribution to Canada.

Examples of supporting documents

Here are some examples of documents you can include as attachments to your cover letter:

  • Training certificates.
  • Letters of recommendation for internships or volunteer work.
  • Bank statements.
  • Affidavits from relatives.


In conclusion, justifying periods of unemployment in your personal history or in response to an IRCC procedural fairness letter may seem daunting, but by being honest and providing detailed explanations, you can present a strong and convincing application. Be sure to document every aspect of your period of unemployment, from job search to financial support received. This complete and transparent approach will strengthen the credibility of your immigration file.

If you require further assistance in preparing your immigration application, please do not hesitate to make an appointment with our Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant for a personalized consultation. You can also complete our online questionnaire for a preliminary assessment of your situation.

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