Can I create a profile in Express Entry and Arrima at the same time?

express entry and arrima carte du canada
Image de Albert Joseph Nobisse Tchawou

Albert Joseph Nobisse Tchawou

Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant

Canada's immigration process is often perceived as complex, due to the many programs and systems available. Two of the best-known systems are Entrée express and Arrima. While Express Entry is a federal system designed to manage economic immigration applications, Arrima is Quebec's portal for managing Expressions of Interest for the Regular Skilled Worker Program (RSWP). This article examines in detail the possibility and implications of creating a profile simultaneously in Entrée express and Arrima.

Provinces and territories covered by Entrée Express and Arrima

Express Entry cover

Express Entry is a federal system that covers all Canadian provinces and territories except Quebec. Each province and territory also has its own Provincial Nominee Program (PNP), which can be linked to Express Entry to facilitate immigration. Here's a list of the provinces and territories covered by Express Entry:

  1. Alberta Alberta Immigration Program (AINP): The Alberta Immigration Program (AINP) has several components, some of which are aligned with Express Entry.
  2. British Columbia The British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) offers options for skilled workers, healthcare professionals, international graduates and more.
  3. Manitoba The Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) enables skilled workers, entrepreneurs and international students to settle in the province.
  4. Nova Scotia Nova Scotia Nominee Program (NSNP): The Nova Scotia Nominee Program (NSNP) has several components to attract skilled workers and entrepreneurs.
  5. New Brunswick The New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program (NBPNP) is designed for skilled workers and entrepreneurs.
  6. Newfoundland and Labrador The Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Nominee Program (NLPNP) offers streams for skilled workers and international graduates.
  7. Northwest Territories The Northwest Territories Nominee Program (NTNP) offers options for skilled workers and contractors.
  8. Nunavut Nunavut does not currently participate in the Provincial Nominee Program, but residents can still use Express Entry to immigrate to Canada.
  9. Ontario Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP): The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) has several components, some of which are aligned with Express Entry.
  10. Prince Edward Island The Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program (PEI PNP) offers options for skilled workers and entrepreneurs.
  11. Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Nominee Program (SINP): The Saskatchewan Nominee Program (SINP) offers streams for skilled workers and entrepreneurs.
  12. Yukon The Yukon Nominee Program (YNP) offers options for skilled workers and entrepreneurs.
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Arrima cover

Arrima is designed specifically for Quebec and does not cover any other Canadian province or territory. The Arrima system is used to manage applications for Quebec's Regular Skilled Worker Program (RSWP). Here are a few details about the system:

  1. Quebec Quebec uses Arrima to manage Expressions of Interest and select candidates for economic immigration through the Regular Skilled Worker Program. This system is independent of the federal Express Entry system, and reflects Quebec's specific labor market needs and immigration criteria.

In short, Express Entry covers all Canadian provinces and territories, with the exception of Quebec, which uses its own system, Arrima. By understanding the specific features and geographical coverage of each system, applicants can better orient their procedures and maximize their chances of successfully immigrating to Canada.

Understanding Express Entry

What is Express Entry?

Express Entry is a federal economic immigration application management system launched in January 2015. It comprises three main programs:

  • Federal Skilled Worker Program,
  • Federal Skilled Trades Program,
  • Canadian Experience Class.

How does Express Entry work?

Candidates create an online profile where they provide information on their age, language skills, work experience, education and other details. Based on this information, they receive a score in the Global Ranking System (GRS). Applicants with the highest scores are invited to submit an application for permanent residence.

Understanding Arrima

What is Arrima?

Arrima is Quebec's expression of interest system, designed to manage applications to the Regular Skilled Worker Program (RSWP). It was launched in 2018 to replace the first-come, first-served system.

How does Arrima work?

Candidates interested in immigrating to Quebec create a profile in Arrima and submit a declaration of interest. The Ministère de l'Immigration, de la Francisation et de l'Intégration (MIFI) then selects candidates based on the needs of the Quebec labor market and other immigration criteria, such as proficiency in French.

Can I create a profile in Express Entry and Arrima at the same time?

Legal and regulatory bases

There is no legal or regulatory rule against creating a profile in both systems simultaneously. In fact, it is common practice for applicants to maximize their chances by applying to different immigration programs and systems.

Advantages of creating profiles in both systems

  1. Diversification of options By having profiles in Express Entry and Arrima, applicants increase their chances of obtaining an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for permanent residence in Canada. If one system doesn't invite them, the other may.
  2. Optimizing chances Selection criteria differ between Express Entry and Arrima. Consequently, a candidate who does not qualify under one system may be eligible under the other.
  3. Geographical flexibility : Some candidates may be open to settling either in Quebec or in another Canadian province. Having profiles in both systems allows them to retain this flexibility.

Potential drawbacks

  1. Administrative complexity Managing two profiles means following two sets of criteria, deadlines and processes. This can increase administrative complexity and the need to fully understand each system.
  2. Inconsistencies in information It's crucial to maintain consistent, up-to-date information in both systems. Inconsistencies can lead to problems or refusals.
  3. Costs Although profile creation is free of charge, costs associated with language tests, diploma assessments and other fees can add up.

Steps for creating profiles in Entrée express and Arrima

Creating a profile in Express Entry

  1. Initial assessment Check your eligibility with the Canadian government's online questionnaire.
  2. Language tests Take an approved language test such as IELTS or TEF Canada.
  3. Diploma evaluation Get an evaluation of credentials (EOC) from an approved organization.
  4. Profile creation Complete and submit the online profile on the Express Entry site.
  5. Invitation to submit an application (IPD) If you are selected, you will receive an IPD and must submit a full application within 60 days.

Creating a profile in Arrima

  1. Initial assessment Check the criteria of the Regular Skilled Worker Program (RSWP).
  2. Language tests Take a language test such as TEF or TCF.
  3. Profile creation Complete and submit your declaration of interest on the Arrima portal.
  4. Selection and invitation MIFI selects applicants and sends out invitations to submit applications.


Candidate having used both systems

Jean, a software engineer from France, created profiles in Entrée express and Arrima. Despite a good score in Express Entry, he didn't receive an ITA. However, thanks to his Arrima profile, he was invited to apply and eventually immigrated to Quebec.

Case study : Time comparison

Maria, a Brazilian nurse, created profiles in both systems. She received an IPD via Entrée Express within two months, thanks to her membership of the healthcare professions as a whole, whereas her Arrima profile never received an invitation due to her poor knowledge of French. This experience shows the importance of diversifying applications.

Tips for candidates

  1. Keeping information up to date Keep information consistent and up-to-date in both systems to avoid complications.
  2. Prepare documents in advance : Have all the necessary documents, such as diploma evaluations and language test results, ready for both systems.
  3. Be ready to adapt : Be flexible about your destination in Canada, as this can increase your chances of success.


Creating profiles simultaneously in Express Entry and Arrima is not only possible, but can also be a wise strategy for maximizing the chances of successful immigration to Canada. Applicants must be well informed and prepared to navigate these two distinct but complementary systems. With careful planning and effective management, this approach can pave the way to a new life in Canada, whether in Quebec or another province.

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