Can I work in Canada while waiting for my permanent residency?

Can I work in Canada while waiting for my permanent residency?
Picture of Albert Joseph Nobisse Tchawou

Albert Joseph Nobisse Tchawou

Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant

Yes, you can work in Canada while you wait for your permanent residence, thanks to the Bridging Open Work Permit (BOWP). This permit allows you to work for any Canadian employer while your application for permanent residence is being processed. To be eligible, you must have applied for permanent residence under certain categories, and your current work permit must be about to expire.

Canada is renowned for its quality of life, professional opportunities and openness to immigration. For these reasons, many people wish to migrate and become permanent residents. However, the process of obtaining permanent residency can be lengthy. So it's common to ask: can I work in Canada while waiting for my permanent residency? To answer this question, we will refer to the official Canadian government source available on the website.

The Canadian immigration process

Before addressing the question of working while waiting for permanent residency, it's important to understand the immigration process. This process involves several stages, from obtaining a visitor's visa to permanent residency. This can take from several months to several years, depending on the circumstances and the type of visa you have applied for.

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Work permits in Canada

According to information on the Canadian government's official website, you can indeed work in Canada while you wait for your permanent residency. This is possible thanks to what's known as a Bridging Open Work Permit (BOWP). This permit is designed to enable those awaiting a decision on their application for permanent residency to work legally in the country.

The BOWP is a type of open work permit, which means it doesn't restrict you to a certain employer or type of work. This offers great flexibility, allowing you to work for any Canadian employer while your application for permanent residence is being processed.

Who can obtain a transitional open work permit?

Not everyone can obtain a BOWP. There are specific criteria to qualify for this type of permit. For example, you must have applied for permanent residence under certain categories, such as the Canadian Experience Class or the Federal Skilled Worker Program.

How do I apply for a BOWP?

The PTOT application is made online, via the Canadian government website. Processing times may vary, so we recommend you apply as soon as possible. You will also have to pay a fee for the work permit application.

The benefits of BOWP

The main advantage of BOWP is that it allows immigrants to support themselves and their families while their application for permanent residence is being processed. This eliminates much of the uncertainty and stress associated with the immigration process, and allows immigrants to begin adapting to their new life in Canada.

Another advantage of the BOWP is that it offers great flexibility in terms of employment. Unlike other types of work permit that tie the immigrant to a certain employer, the BOWP allows the immigrant to work for any employer. This means you can change jobs if you find better opportunities or if your circumstances change.

BOWP's drawbacks and limitations

However, it should also be noted that the BOWP has certain limitations. For example, if your application for permanent residence is refused for any reason, your BOWP will also expire. This means you'll have to leave Canada or apply for another type of permit or visa.

In addition, although the BOWP allows you to work for any employer, it does not give you the right to stay in Canada permanently. It is a temporary permit intended for use while awaiting a decision on your application for permanent residence.

Stay informed and get help

The process of immigrating to Canada can be complex, and it's important to stay informed and seek help if necessary. The Canadian government website is an excellent resource for the latest and most accurate information.

In summary, the possibility of working in Canada while waiting for permanent residency can be an excellent opportunity for many immigrants. However, it's important to understand the rules and requirements, and make sure you're eligible for a BOWP before planning your future in Canada. With the right preparation and a clear understanding of the process, you can make the transition to a new life in Canada confidently and successfully.


In conclusion, yes, you can work in Canada while awaiting permanent residency under certain conditions. If you meet these conditions, you can apply for a Bridging Open Work Permit (BOWP), which will allow you to work for any Canadian employer while awaiting a decision on your application for permanent residence.

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