Immigration programs for Francophones in the rest of Canada

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Image de Albert Joseph Nobisse Tchawou

Albert Joseph Nobisse Tchawou

Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant

Canada is a bilingual country, where English and French are the official languages. While the majority of the French-speaking population is found in Quebec, there are also vibrant French-speaking communities in Canada's other provinces and territories. In this article, we'll explore the various immigration programs for Francophones wishing to settle in the Rest Of Canada (ROC), as well as the reception services available to facilitate their integration.

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Provincial candidate program

The Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) is an immigration program that allows provinces and territories to select immigrants based on their specific economic and social needs. Francophones can benefit from this program in certain provinces where specific programs have been set up to facilitate their immigration.

a. Ontario

Ontario is Canada's most populous province, and home to a large francophone population. The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) offers several streams for Francophones, including the Francophone Skilled Worker Stream.

b. Manitoba

Manitoba is a province where French is spoken by part of the population. Manitoba's Immigration Program has a specific component for francophones, aimed at attracting skilled francophone workers to meet the needs of the local job market.

c. New Brunswick

New Brunswick is Canada's only officially bilingual province, and French is spoken by around a third of the population. The New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program (NBPNP) offers a specific stream for francophones, called the Francophone Immigrant Stream. This component is designed to attract skilled francophone workers to meet labor market needs and support the province's economic development. Francophone candidates must demonstrate their ability to settle and work in New Brunswick, as well as their commitment to contributing to the vitality of local francophone communities.

Express entry

Express Entry is an immigrant selection system based on skills and qualifications. It is an online process that evaluates applicants on criteria such as age, education, work experience and official language proficiency. Francophones can increase their chances of selection by earning extra points for their French language skills.

The Francophone Mobility Program

The Mobilité francophone program is designed for temporary foreign workers who have a job offer in a province or territory where French is the minority language. This program is designed to facilitate the immigration of French-speaking workers and strengthen Francophone communities across Canada.

Reception services for French speakers

Canada's provinces and territories offer various reception and support services to help French-speaking immigrants integrate into their new communities.

a. Ontario

Ontario offers French-language reception services through several organizations, including the Réseau de soutien à l'immigration francophone de l'Ontario (RSIF) and the Association des communautés francophones de l'Ontario (ACFO). These organizations offer services such as job search assistance, language courses, workshops on Canadian culture and mentoring services.

b. Manitoba

In Manitoba, the Bureau de l'éducation française (BEF) offers reception and integration services for French-speaking immigrants. Newcomers can also take advantage of the services offered by the Association communautaire francophone du Manitoba (ACFM) and the Société franco-manitobaine (SFM), which provide reception, employment support and mentoring programs.

d. Other provinces and territories

In other provinces and territories, French-speaking immigrants can benefit from the services offered by local organizations, such as Nova Scotia's Réseau en immigration francophone (RIF), Prince Edward Island's Réseau de soutien à l'immigration francophone and the Association des francophones du Nunavut. These organizations provide reception, orientation and employment support services for French-speaking newcomers.


Canada offers a number of immigration programs for Francophones wishing to settle in the rest of the country. Whether through the Provincial Nominee Program, the Express Entry Program or the Mobilité francophone program, francophones have many opportunities to settle and contribute to Canada's cultural and economic diversity. What's more, the welcome and support services offered in every province and territory facilitate the integration of newcomers and enable them to flourish in their new community.

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